- 2023
Large enhancement of yield strength in Ti80Cr20−x(CoFeNi)x alloys by modulating phase stability and introducing ultrafine eutectic structure(2023)
Correlation between micro-to-macro mechanical properties and processing parameters on additive manufactured 18Ni-300 maraging steels(2023)
Influence of grain boundary modification on color transition behavior of Cu-Al-Zn-Sn alloys with low stacking fault energy(2023)
Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties of a Ti80(CoFeNi)20 ultrafine eutectic composite during thermal processing(2023)
Evolution of microstructure and mechanical characteristics of (CrFeNiCu)100–xTix high-entropy alloys(2023)
Investigation of correlation between the microstructural characteristics and mechanical properties of (CoCuFeNi)100-xAlx high entropy alloys(2023)
- 2022
Stress-induced transformation behavior in near-eutectic (AlNi2)70-xCo30Crx medium entropy alloys (2022)
Nanocrystalline single-phase high-entropy alloy synthesized by using intermetallic compound type (TiZrHf)-(NiCuCo) high-entropy metallic glass precursor (2022)
Formation of photo-reactive heterostructure from a multicomponent amorphous alloy with atomically random distribution (2022)
Development and Characterization of Blue-Colored Mg2Si-Based Recycled Alloys Using Scrap Light Metals(2022)
Analysis of phase transformation and deformation behaviors on Laves phase of as-cast (CoCuFeNi)100-xZrx high entropy alloys(2022)
- 2021
Development of coloring alloys: Color Design for Lightweight Al-mg-Si alloys, Materials & Design, 200 (2021)
Understanding the microstructure and mechanical properties of TaxAl0.7CoCrFeNi2.1 eutectic high entropy composites: Multi-scale deformation mechanism analysis, Composites Part B, 214 (2021)
Formation of inhomogeneous micro-scale pores attributed ultralow κlat and concurrent enhancement of thermoelectric performance in p-type Bi0. 5Sb1. 5Te3 alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 811 (2021)
Effect of chemical corrosion and alloying on the catalytic activity of 18 carat gold for the electro-oxidation of HCOOH, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 863 (2021)
Recent development of coloring alloys, Progress in Materials Science, (2021)
Nano-scale structural evolution of quaternary AlCrFeNi based high entropy alloys by the addition of specific minor elements and its effect on mechanical characteristics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 868 (2021)
Developing high-strength ferritic alloys reinforced by combination of hierarchical and laves precipitates, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 856 (2021)
Ultrafine shape memory alloys synthesized using a metastable metallic glass precursor with polymorphic crystallization, Applied Materials Today, 22 (2021)
Development of Precipitation-Strengthened Al0.8NbTiVM (M = Co, Ni) Light-Weight Refractory High-Entropy Alloys, Materials, 14 (2021)
Role of Nanocrystallites of Al-Based Glasses and H2O2 in Degradation Azo Dyes, Materials, 14 (2021)
- 2020
Structural and Mechanical Properties of AlCoCrNi High Entropy Nitride Films: Influence of Process Pressure, COATINGS 10 (2020)
Influence of N2 Gas Flow Ratio and Working Pressure on Amorphous Mo–Si–N Coating during Magnetron Sputtering, COATINGS 10 (2020)
New para-magnetic (CoFeNi)50(CrMo)50−x(CB)x (x=20, 25, 30) non-equiatomic high entropy metallic glasses with wide supercooled liquid region and excellent mechanical properties, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (2020)
Relationship between phase stability and mechanical properties on near/metastable b-type Ti-Cr-(Mn) cast alloys, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 821 (2020)
Studies on directly grown few layer graphene processed using tape-peeling method, CARBON 158 (2020)
Outstanding strengthening behavior and dynamic mechanical properties of in-situ Al–Al3Ni composites by Cu addition, COMPOSITES PART B 189 (2020)
Understanding microstructure and mechanical properties of (AlTa0. 76) xCoCrFeNi2. 1 eutectic high entropy alloys via thermo-physical parameters, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 57 (2020)
Designing of Fe-containing (Ti33Zr33Hf33)-(Ni50Cu50) high entropy alloys developed by equiatomic substitution: phase evolution and mechanical properties, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 9 (2020)
Grain refinement to improve thermoelectric and mechanical performance in n-type Bi2Te2. 7Se0. 3 alloys, MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS (2020)
Role of Nanocrystallites of Al-Based Glasses and H2O2 in Degradation Azo Dyes, MATERIALS (2020)
Mechanical properties and microstructural change in (Cu–Fe) immiscible metal matrix composite: Effect of Mg on secondary phase separation, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 9 (2020)
- 2019
Optimization of B2/L21 hierarchical precipitate structure to improve creep resistance of a ferritic Fe-Ni-Al-Cr-Ti superalloy via thermal treatments, SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 161 (2019)
Modification of oxygen-ionic transport barrier of BaCo0.4Zr0.1Fe0.4Y0.1O3 steam (air) electrode by impregnating samarium-doped ceria nanoparticles for proton-conducting reversible solid oxide cells, JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY 166 (2019)
Co-Cr-Mo-C-B metallic glasses with wide supercooled liquid region obtained by systematic adjustment of the metalloid ratio, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 505 (2019)
Chemical evolution-induced strengthening on AlCoCrNi dual-phasehigh-entropy alloy with high specific strength, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 777 (2019)
Tailoring the corrosion behavior of Fe-based metallic glasses through inducing Nb-triggered netlike structure, CORROSION SCIENCE 147 (2019)
A study on the micro-evolution of mechanical property and microstructures in (Cu-30Fe)-2X alloys with the addition of minor alloying elements, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 786 (2019)
Compositional tuning induced permanent color adjustment and mechanical properties: Binary Cu-Mg colored metallic system, MATERIALS AND DESIGN 175 (2019)
Low-cost beta titanium cast alloys with good tensile properties developed with addition of commercial material, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 793 (2019)
Encapsulation of a gradient Al2O3 layer on hierarchical structured substrate via two-step hybrid processes, MATERIALS AND DESIGN 167 (2019)
Influence of directional microstructure on mechanical properties in Al‐based ultrafine bimodal lamellar structured alloy, MATERIALS DESIGN & PROCESSING COMMUNICATIONS 1 (2019)
Structure modification and recovery of amorphous Fe73.5Si13.5B9Nb3Cu1 magnetic ribbons after autoclave treatment:SAXS and thermodynamic analysis, JOURNAL OF MATERIAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 35 (2019)
Investigation on the Relationship Between Transition Energy and the Color Change of Cu–M Alloys, METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL 25 (2019)
Investigation of structure and mechanical properties of TiZrHfNiCuCo high entropy alloy thin films synthesized by magnetron sputtering, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 797 (2019)
- 2018
Mechanical, deformation and fracture behaviors of bulk metallic glass composites reinforced by spherical B2 particles, Progress In Natural Science-Materials International 28 (2018)
Carbide formation in electric-discharge-sintered Ti3Al compact caused by steric acid in ball-milled Ti and Al powder mixture, CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL 44 (2018)
Cooperative deformation behavior between the shear band and boundary sliding of an Al-based nanostructure-dendrite composite, Materials Science & Engineering A 735 (2018)
Effects of Fe Substitution for Co on the Thermal, Magnetic, and Mechanical Properties of the Co-Fe-B-Si-Mo alloy system, INTERMETALLICS 72 (2018)
Effect of boron addition on thermal and mechanical properties of Co-Cr-Mo-C-(B) glass-forming alloys, INTERMETALLICS 99 (2018)
Development of High Strength Ni–Cu–Zr–Ti–Si–Sn In‑Situ Bulk Metallic Glass Composites Reinforced by Hard B2 Phase, MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING A 735 (2018)
Microstructure and mechanical properties of hierarchical multi-phase composites based on Al-Ni-type intermetallic compounds in the Al-Ni-Cu-Si alloy system, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 749 (2018)
Influence of silicon content on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-Cr-Si alloys, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 737 (2018)
Thermal analysis of directional pressure annealed Fe78Si9B13 amorphous ribbons, THERMOCHIMICA ACTA 661 (2018)
Thermally-triggered Dual In-situ Self-healing Metallic Materials, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8 (2018)
- 2017
Influence of spherical particles and interfacial stress distribution on viscous flow behavior of Ti-Cu-Ni-Zr-Sn bulk metallic glass composites, Intermetallics 91 (2017)
Comparison of catalytic activity between Au(110) and Au(111) for the electro-oxidation of methanol and formic acid: Experiment and density functional theory calculation, Electrochimica Acta (2017)
Martensitic transformation in a B2-containing CuZr-based BMG composite revealed by in situ neutron diffraction, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 723 (2017)
Microstructure and mechanical properties of the as-cast and warm rolled Mg-9Li-x(Al-Si)-yTi alloys with x=1, 3, 5 and y=0.05 wt.%, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 711 (2017)
Crystallization and phase transformation behavior of TiCu-based bulk metallic glass composite with B2 particles, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 707 (2017)
Effect of silicon on microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu-Fe alloys, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 707(2017)
Inorganic gel and liquid crystal based smart window using silica sol-gel process, Solar Energy Materials And Solar Cells 159(2017)
Influence of Zr content on phase formation, transition and mechanical behavior of Ni-Ti-Hf-Zr high temperature shape memory alloys, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 692 (2017)
Deformation mechanisms to ameliorate the mechanical properties of novel TRIP/TWIP Co-Cr-Mo-(Cu) ultrafine eutectic alloys, Scientific Reports 7 (2017)
- 2016
Effect of Ca addition on the plastic deformation behavior of extruded Mg-11Li-3Al-1Sn-0.4Mn alloy, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 687 (2016)
Crystallization kinetics and thermo-mechanical behavior on supercooled liquid region of Ti-Cu-Ni-Zr-Sn-Si bulk metallic glass, Science Of Advanced Materials 8 (2016)
Anisotropic magnetization improvement in Fe78Si9B13 glass with direct current heating, Journal Of Non-Crystalline Solids 448 (2016)
Development of lightweight Mg-Li-Al alloys with high specific strength, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 680 (2016)
Gradual martensitic transformation of B2 phase on TiCu-based bulk metallic glass composite during deformation, Intermetallics 75 (2016)
Characterization of Graphene-based FET Fabricated using a Shadow Mask, Scientific Reports 6 (2016)
Crystallization, high temperature deformation behavior and solid-to-solid formability of a Ti-based bulk metallic glass within supercooled liquid region, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 663 (2016)
Flexible polymer dispersed liquid crystal film with graphene transparent electrodes, Current Applied Physics 16 (2016)
Understanding the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Cu–Si ultrafine eutectic composites, MATERIALS & DESIGN 92 (2016)
Study of Graphene-based 2D-Heterostructure Device Fabricated by All-Dry Transfer Process, Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (2016)
- 2015
Fabrication of Fe-based bulk metallic glass by selective laser melting : A parameter study, Materials And Design 86 (2015)
Role of tri-capped triangular prism(TTP) polyhedra in formation and destabilization of Fe-Y-B glassy alloys, Journal Of Non-Crystalline Solids 425 (2015)
Influence of microstructural evolution on mechanical behavior of Fe-Nb-B ultrafine composites with a correlation to elastic modulus and hardness, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 647 (2015)
Enhancement of mechanical properties in a Fe81Nb9B10 ultrafine-eutectic composite with in-situ polygonal pro-eutectic and encapsulating eutectic structure, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 643 (2015)
Enhanced proton conductivity of yttrium-doped barium zirconate with sinterability in protonic ceramic fuel cells, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 639 (2015)
Improving the plasticity and strength of Fe–Nb–B ultrafine eutectic composite, Materials And Design 76 (2015)
Work-hardening and plastic deformation behavior of Ti-based bulk metallic glass composites with bimodal sized B2 particles, Intermetallics 62 (2015)
Formation of nano-porous GeOx by de-alloying of an Al-Ge Mn amorphous alloy, Scripta Materialia 104 (2015)
Designing porous metallic glass compact enclosed with surface iron oxides, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 635 (2015)
Effect of Metallic Glass Particle Size on the Contact Resistance of Ag/Metallic Glass Electrode, Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy And Materials Science 46A (2015)
Electrochemical properties of dual phase neodymium-doped ceria alkali carbonate composite electrolytes in intermediate temperature, Journal Of Power Sources 275 (2015)
degradation analysis of anode-supported intermediate temperature-solid oxide fuel cells under various failure mode, Journal Of Power Sources 276 (2015)
Effect of annealing in Ar/H-2 Environment on chemical vapor deposition-grown graphene transferred with poly (methyl methacrylate), Ieee Transactions On Nanotechnology 14 (2015)
- 2014
Electrochromic Device Containing Heptyl Viologen, PEDOT, TiO2 and TEMPO, Journal Of The Electrochemical Society 161(2014)
Degradation pattern prediction of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell stack with series reliability structure via durability data of single cells, Applied Energy 131 (2014)
Micro-to-nano-scale deformation mechanisms of a bimodal ultrafine eutectic composite, Scientific Reports 4 (2014)
Characterization and deformation behavior of Ti hybrid compacts with solid-to-porous gradient structure, Materials And Design 60 (2014)
Chemical heterogeneity-induced plasticity in Ti-Fe-Bi ultrafine eutectic alloys, Materials And Design 60 (2014)
New metric for evaluating the purity of single-walled carbon nanotubes using ultraviolet-visible-near infrared absorption spectroscopy , Carbon 75 (2014)
phase transformation and mechanical properties of as-cast Ti41.5Zr41.5Ni17 Quasicrystalline composites, Journal Of Non-Crystalline Solids 392 (2014)
Post-mortem analysis of a long-term tested proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack under low cathode humidification conditions, Journal Of Power Sources 253 (2014)
Combinatorial Influence of Bimodal Size of B2 TiCu Compounds on Plasticity of Ti-Cu-Ni-Zr-Sn-Si Bulk Metallic Glass Composites, Metallurgical And Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy And Materials Science 45A (2014)
Plastic deformation behavior of Fe-Co-B-Si-Nb-Cr bulk metallic glasses under nanoindentation, Journal Of Alloys And Compounds 587 (2014)
- 2013
Degradation mechanisms and mitigation strategies of metal cations in recycled fuel for direct methanol fuel cell membrane electrode assembly, JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES 242 (2013)
Heterogeneous duplex structured Ti-Sn-Mo alloys with high strength and large plastic deformability, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 574 (2013)
Various synthesis methods of aliovalent-doped ceria and their electrical properties for intermediate temperature solid oxide electrolytes , International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy 38 (2013)
- 2012
Necking mechanisms on porous metallic glass and W compacts using electro-discharge sintering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 536 (2012)
Lifetime prediction of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell via an accelerated startup-shutdown cycle test, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 37 (2012)
High-current field emission of point-type carbon nanotube emitters on Ni-coated metal wires, CARBON 50 (2012)
High-speed atomic force microscopy with phase-detection, Current Applied Physics 12 (2012)
Field emission characteristics of carbon nanotube films fabricated on a metal mesh by filtration , Journal of Alloys and Compounds 521 (2012)
Optimization of mechanical properties of Ti-Fe-Sn alloys by controlling heterogeneous eutectic structure, INTERMETALLICS 23 (2012)
Solid-state phase transformation-induced heterogeneous duplex structure in Ti-Sn-Fe alloys, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 515 (2012)
The stress-dependent piezoelectric coefficient of ZnO wire measured by piezoresponse force microscopy , SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 66 (2012)
- 2011
Spectroscopic studies and electrical properties of transparent conductive films fabricated by using surfactant-stabilized single-walled carbon nanotube suspensions, Carbon 49-13 (2011)
Effect of solubility on strengthening of Ag-Cu ultrafine eutectic composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509-37(2011)
Influence and mitigation methods of reaction intermediates on cell performance in direct methanol fuel cell system, Journal of Power Sources 196-13 (2011)
Formation of porous metallic glass compacts by electro-discharge sintering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509-1(2011)
Formation of bimodal eutectic structure in Ti(63.5)Fe(30.5)Sn(6) and Mg(72)Cu(5)Zn(23) alloys , JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 509-1 (2011)
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-Si-Ti-(Cu, Al) heterostructured ultrafine composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509-1 (2011)
Heterogeneous eutectic structure in Ti-Fe-Sn alloys , Intermetallics 19-4 (2011)
Stable operation of air-blowing direct methanol fuel cell stacks through uniform oxidant supply by varying fluid flow fixtures and developing the flow sensor, Inernational Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36-15 (2011)
Application of Scanning Probe Lithography to Graphite Patterning, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 11-2 (2011)
Evolution of constitution, structure, and mechanical properties in Fe-Ti-Zr-B heterogeneous multiphase composites, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 26-3 (2011)
- 2010
Improving the plasticity of a high strength Fe-Si-Ti ultrafine composite by introduction of an immiscible element, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 97-25 (2010)
Influence of hetero-duplex structure on mechanical properties of Mg-Al/Cu-Zn alloys, Materials science & engineering A 528-1 (2010)
Mechanical properties of rippled structure in suspended stacks of graphene, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 108-1 (2010)
Synthesis of bulk amorphous composites with three amorphous phases by consolidation of milled amorphous powders, INTERMETALLICS 18-10 (2010)
Enhanced Work Hardening of Cu-based Bulk Metallic Glass Composites by in-situ Formed Nano-scale Heterogeneities, Materials Science Forum 18 (2010)
Mechanical behavior of metallic glass reinforced nanostructured tungsten composites synthesized by spark plasma sintering, INTERMETALLICS 18-10 (2010)
Decomposition of Icosahedral Phase in Ti52Zr28Ni20 powder during Electro-Discharge-Sintering, Journal of alloys and compounds 504 (2010)
Effect of Nb on microstructure and mechanical properties of ultrafine eutectic Fe-Ni-B-Si composites, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 504 (2010)
Effect of martensitic ω phase on mechanical properties of Ti100?xCox alloys with x = 5, 7 and 9, Intermetallics 18-4 (2010)
Fabrication of porous Ti and W compacts by electro-discharge-sintering process, Surface Review and Letters 17-2 (2010)
Microstructural modulations enhance the mechanical properties in Al-Cu-(Si, Ga) ultrafine composites, Advanced Engineering Materials 12-11 (2010)
Multi-phase Al-based ultrafine composite with multi-scale microstructure, Intermetallics 18-10 (2010)
Deformation mechanisms of a bimodal eutectic Mg72Cu5Zn23 ultrafine composite, Materials Letters 64-4 (2010)
Medium range ordering and its effect on plasticity of Fe-Mn-B-Y-Nb bulk metallic glass, Philosophical Magazine 90-19(2010)
Real-time atomic force microscopy in lubrication condition, Ultramicroscopy 110-7 (2010)
Effect of micro and nanoparticle inorganic fillers on the field emission characteristics of photosensitive carbon nanotube pastes, Applied Surface Science 256-8 (2010)
Microstructural modulation of Ti-Fe-V ultrafine eutectic alloys with enhanced mechanical properties, Journal of alloys and compounds 491(1-2) (2010)
The surface structure of gas-atomized metallic glass powders, Scripta Materialia 62-5 (2010)
Effects of Co on the microstructures and mechanical properties of Ti50Cu50-xCox alloys (x=0-25 at.%), Philosophical Magazine Letters 90-1 (2010)
- 2009
Crack evolution in bulk metallic glasses, Journal of Applied Physics 106-10 (2009)
Role of heterogeneity on deformation behavior of bulk metallic glasses, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 486(2009)
Favorable microstructural modulation and enhancement of mechanical properties of Ti-Fe-Nb ultrafine composites, PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE LETTERS 89 (2009)
Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of Mg-Cu-Zn ultrarine eutectic composites , JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 24 (2009)
Modeling deformation behavior of Cu-Zr-Al bulk metallic glass matrix composites, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 95 (2009)
High-strength bulk Al-based bimodal ultrafine eutectic composite with enhanced plasticity, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 24 (2009)
Microstructure and mechanical properties of metallic glass/metallic glass composites, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 483 (2009)
Sn effect on microstructure and mechanical properties of ultrafine eutectic Ti-Fe-Sn alloys, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 483 (2009)
Mechanical properties of large-scale Mg-Cu-Zn ultrafine eutectic composites, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 481 (2009)
Deformation-induced martensitic transformation in Cu-Zr-(Al,Ti) bulk metallic glass composites, SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 60(2009)
Formation of deformation-induced bimodal grain structure of a high strength Ti93Co7 alloy with enhancing plasticity, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 42 (2009)
- 2008
Formation of reactive layers in brazed Ti and Cu using a melt-spun Zr41.2Ti13.8Ni10.0Cu12.5Be22.5 alloy, Materials Letters 62-30 (2008)
Influence of a bimodal eutectic structure on the plasticity of a (Ti70.5Fe29.5)(91)Sn-9 ultrafine composite, Applied Physics Letters 93-20 (2008)
Enhancement of plasticity in Ti-rich Ti-Zr-Be-Cu-Ni-Ta bulk glassy alloy via introducing the structural inhomogeneity, Journal of Materials Research 23-11 (2008)
Formation of a bimodal eutectic structure in Ti-Fe-Sn alloys with enhanced plasticity, Applied Physics Letters 93-14 (2008)
Deformation and fracture of Ti-base nanostrucuted composite, International Journal of Materials Research 99-9 (2008)
Influence of heterogeneities with different length scale on the plasticity of Fe-base ultrafine eutectic alloys, Journal of Materials Research 23-7 (2008)
High strength Ni-Zr binary ultrafine eutectic-dendrite composite with large plastic deformability, Applied Physics Letters 93-3 (2008)
Understanding of martensitic (TiCu)-based bulk metallic glasses through deformation behavior of a binary Ti50Cu50 martensitic alloy, Applied Physics Letters 92-24 (2008)
High strength porous Ti-6Al-4V foams synthesized by solid state powder processing, Journal of Physics D 41-10 (2008)
High strength ultrafine eutectic Fe-Nb-Al composites with enhanced plasticity, Intermetallics 16-5 (2008)
Nanocrystallization at shear bands in bulk metallic glass matrix composites, Scripta Materialia 58-8 (2008)
Formation of nano-scale ω-phase in arc-melted micron-scale dendrite reinforced Zr73.5Nb9Cu7Ni1Al9.5 ultrafine composite during heat treatment, Intermetallics 16-4 (2008)
Phase transformations in mechanically milled and annealed single-phase β-Al3Mg2, Acta Materialia 56-6 (2008)
Propagation of shear bands and accommodation of shear strains in Fe56Nb4Al40 ultrafine eutectic-dendrite composites, Applied Physics Letters 92-9 (2008)
Effect of local chemistry, structure and length scale of heterogeneities on the mechanical properties of a Ti45Cu40Ni7.5Zr5Sn2.5 bulk metallic glass, Philosophical Magazine Letters 88-1 (2008)
Propagation of shear bands in a Cu47.5Zr47.5Al5 bulk metallic glass, Journal of Materials Research 23-1 (2008)
- 2007
Structural relaxation and glass transition behavior of novel (Ti33Zr33Hf33)50(Ni50Cu50)40Al10 alloy developed by equiatomic substitution, Journal of Non-crystalline solids 353 (2007)
Consolidation of mechanical alloyed Ti-Si powder mixture using an electro-discharge technique, materials science & engineering A 467 (2007)
Nanostructure-dendrite composites in the Fe-Zr binary alloy system exhibiting high strength and plasticity, scripta materialia 57 (2007)
deformation-induced rotational eutectic colonies containing length-scale heterogeneity in an ultrafine eutectic FeTiZrB alloy, applied physics letters 91 (2007)
Influence of additional elements on the development of nanoscale hetereogeneties in TiCu-based bulk metallic glasses with enhanced ductility, journal of materials research 22-8 (2007)
Impact of microstructural inhomogeneities on the ductility of bulk metallic glasses, materials transaction 48-7 (2007)
Ti oxynitriding of microporous Ti-6Al-4V compact by electodischarge sintering in an N-2 atmosphere, scripta materialia 57(2007)
formation of icosahedral phase in an AlCrFeTi alloy, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 436 (2007)
Enhnaced glass forming ability of Fe-based bulk metallic glasses prepared using hot metals and commercial raw materials through the optimization of Mo, scripta materialia 56 (2007)
Bulk ultra-fine eutectic structure in Ti-Fe-based alloys, JORNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 434-435 (2007)
deformation behavior of a TiCuNiSnNb nanostructured composite containing ductiel dendrites, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 434-435 (2007)
Microstructural investigation of a deformed TiCuNiSnNb nanostructure-dendrite composite, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 434-435 (2007)
Ti-based nanostructure-dendrite composites: microstructure and deformation, Materials Science & Engineering A 449-451(2007)
Self-assembled microporous Ti-6Al-4V implant compacts induced by eletro-discharge-sintering, Scripta Materialia 56(2007)
Microstructural comparison of Zr-based nanostructure-dendrite composites produced by different casting techniques, Materials Science & Engineering A 449-451 (2007)
Devitrification of nano-scale icosahedral phase in multicomponent alloys, Materials Science & Engineering A 449-451(2007)
Self-assembled bulk metallic glass composite prepared by electro discharge bonding technique, Material Sciences and Engineering A 447 (2007)
Amorphization of mechanical alloyed (Ti,Zr,Hf)-(Ni,Cu)-Al equiatomic alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 428 (2007)
Interfacial reaction during fabriaction of Ni60Nb40 metallic glass partialces-reinforced Al-based MMC, Materials sciene and Engineering A 444 (2007)
Metallic glass formation in Cu47Ti33Zr11Ni8Si1 alloy, Materials science and engieneering A 444 (2007)
- 2006
Ductile metallic glasses in supercooled martensitic alloys, Materials Transaction 47-10 (2006)
Be Effect on Glass-Forming Ability and Mechanical Properties of Ti-Cu-Co-Zr-Sn Bulk Metallic Glasses, Materials Transaction 47-9 (2006)
Effect of cooling rate on microstructure and glass-forming ability of a (Ti33Zr33Hf33)70(Ni50Cu50)20Al10 alloy, Intermetallics 14 (2006)
Work hadening ability of Ti45Cu40Ni7.5Zr5Sn2.5 and Cu47.5Zr47.5Al5 bulk metallic glasses, Applied Physics Letters 89(2006)
High strength ductile Cu-based metallic glass, Intermetallics 14 (2006)
Effect of Sn on microstructure and mechanical properties of (Ti-Cu)-based bulk metallic glasses, Philosophical Magazine Letters 86-8 (2006)
Microscopic deformation mechanism of Ti66.1Cu8Ni4.8Sn7.2Nb13.9 nanostructure-dendrite composite, Acta Materialia 54(2006)
Phase stability and its effect on the deformation behavior of Ti-Nb-Ta-In/Cr β alloys, Scripta Materialia 54 (2006)
Effect of Cu on local amorphization in bulk Ni-Ti-Zr-Si alloys during solidification, Acta Materialia 54 (2006)
Orthorhombic approximant phases and their relation to quasicrystals in mechanically alloyed Al-Cu-Fe-Si alloys, Philosophical Magazine letters 86-7 (2006)
Deformation-induced nanostructuring in a Ti-Nb-Ta-In β-alloy, Applied Physics Letters 89 (2006)
High strength hexagonal structured dendritic phase reinforced Zr-Ti-Ni bulk alloy with enhanced ductility, Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006)
- 2019
Investigation on the relationship between transition energy and the color change of Cu-M alloys, Metals And Materials International (2019)
- 2018
Development of High Strength Ni–Cu–Zr–Ti–Si–Sn In‑Situ Bulk Metallic Glass Composites Reinforced by Hard B2 Phase, Metals And Materials International 24 (2018)
Investigation of Color Change in Cu-Zn Alloys by Reflectivity and Color Difference Analysis, KOREAN JOURNAL OF METALS AND MATERIALS 56 (2018)
Effects of Fe substitution for Co on the thermal, magnetic, and mechanical properties of the Co-Fe-B-Si-Mo alloy system, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 72 (2018)
- 2017
저융점 원소의 첨가에 따른 Ti65Fe35 과공정 합금의 미세구조와기계적 특성의 변화, 한국재료학회지 27 (2017)
Influence of Nb on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-Sn Ultrafine Eutectic Alloy, Metals And Materials International 23 (2017)
- 2016
Phase evolution, microstructure and mechanical properties of equi-atomic substituted TiZrHfNiCu and TiZrHfNiCuM (M = Co, Nb) high-entropy alloys, Metals And Materials International 22 (2016)
- 2015
수열합성 공정을 이용한 금속 다공체의 나노 산화물 형성, 한국분말야금학회지 22 (2015)
Phase transformation and work-hardening behavior of Ti-based bulk metallic glass composite, 한국현미경학회지 45 (2015)
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Li powder by hot rolling process, 한국재료학회지 25 (2015)
- 2014
General algorithm and method for scanning a via hole by using critical-dimension atomic force microscopy, Journal Of The Korean Physical Society 64 (2014)
Investigation of the mechanical properties of Ti-Fe-Sn ultrafine eutectic composites by dendrite phase selection, Metals And Materials International 20 (2014)
Thermal and mechanical properties of Cu60-xZr25Ti15Nix bulk metallic glasses with x=0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 at.%, Metals And Materials International 20 (2014)
- 2013
Thermal stability, mechanical properties and Magnetic properties of Fe-based Amorphous Ribbons with the Addition of Mo and Nb, Journal Of Magnetics 18 (2013)
화학적 침출법을 통한 표면 다공성 Al-Cu-Si 공정합금 제조, 한국재료학회지 23 (2013)
- 2012
TiFe 공정합금의 미소합금 첨가에 따른 미세구조 변화 및 기계적 물성, 한국재료학회지 22 (2012)
- 2011
Effect of Microstructure Modulation on Mechanical Properties of Ti-Fe-Sn Ultrafine Eutectic Composites, Metals and Materials International 17-6 (2011)
전기방전소결을 이용한 Ti-Ni-Zr 준 결정상의 상변화 연구와 Ti, W 다공체 제작Phase transformation of ti-ni-zr icosahedral phase and fabrication of porous ti and w compacts using electro-discharge sintering, 한국분말야금학회지 Journal of Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute 18-2 (2011)
- 2009
Effect of Additional Zn on Plasticity of Large-Scale Mg-Based Nanostructure-Dendrite Composites, METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL 15 (2009)
Ozone Electrical Trimming of Carbon Nanotubes to Improve Their Field-Emission Lifetime and Uniformity, JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY 54 (2009)
Influence of Deposition Temperature and Substrate Orientation on the Microstructure of Pr0:7Ca0:3MnO3 Films Grown on Platinum Substrates by Using Pulsed Laser Deposition, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 54 (2009)
- 2008
Sn첨가에 따른 극미세 Ti-Fe-Sn 합금의 미세조직 및 기계적 성질 변화, 한국주조공학회지 28-2 (2008)
- 2004
Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Cu60-xZr25Ti15Nix Bulk MetallicGlasses with x=0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 at.%, Metals And Materials International (2004)
다이캐스팅용 알루미늄 합금, 2018-11 (출원)
다이캐스팅용 알루미늄 합금, 2018-11 (출원)
음극 활물질 및 이의 제조 방법, 2017-05 (출원)
Cu-Ag-Al의 3원계 컬러 합금 2022-11(출원)
Cu-Ge계 컬러 합금 제조방법 및 이에 따라 제조된 Cu-Ge계 컬러 합금 2022-11 (출원)
병치혼합 기반 컬러 합금 2022-02 (출원)
단상을 갖는 컬러 합금 구현 기술과 결정립 크기 조절을 통한 컬러 합금 특성 제어 기술 2021-12 (출원)
비정질 및 나노 결정질을 포함하는 합금막의 제조방법 및 비정질 및 나노 결정질을 포함하는 합금막 2021-11 (출원)
강도가 향상된 Co-Cu-Fe-Ni-M계 고연성 고엔트로피 합금, 2021-09 (출원)
로즈골드색 구리 합금 및 이의 용도, 2018-12 (출원)
구리-실리콘 컬러 합금, 2018-10 (등록)
하이엔트로피합금, 2018-10 (출원)
청색을 갖는 Al-Si-Mg계 합금, 2018-08 (등록)
반도체 공정라인 바닥 패널용 알루미늄 합금 및 그 제조방법, 2018-02 (등록)
로즈골드 색상을 나타내는 구리합금 장식재, 2017-12 (출원)
다이캐스팅용 알루미늄 합금, 2017-12 (출원)
우수한 강도를 갖는 하이엔트로피 합금, 2017-10 (출원)
비정질 전구체를 이용한 나노결정립 형상기억합금 또는비정질 합금을 포함하는 프로브 팁, 이를 포함하는프로브 카드 및 이의 형상 회복 방법, 2017-06 (등록)
자동차 가니쉬용 합금 및 자동차용 가니쉬, 2017-05 (출원)
자가치유력을 갖는 복합 합금, 2017-05 (등록)
우수한 강도 및 연성을 갖는 하이엔트로피 합금, 2017-04 (등록)
구리-실리콘 컬러 합금, 2017-04 (출원)
Ti-Fe계 과공정 합금, 2017-03 (출원)
청색을 갖는 Al-Si-Mg계 합금, 2017-01 (출원)
내부와 다른 색상의 외부층을 구비하는 고강도 자성 합금 및 이의 제조방법, 2016-12 (등록)
마그네슘 합금, 2016-12 (출원)
다이캐스팅용 알루미늄 합금, 2016-11 (출원)
타이타늄계 비정질 합금, 2016-10 (출원)
우수한 강도 및 연성을 갖는 하이엔트로피 합금, 2016-10 (출원)
반도체 공정라인 바닥 패널용 알루미늄 합금 및 그 제조방법, 2016-07 (출원)
기계적 특성이 향상된 Sn계 합금, 2016-07 (등록)
비정질 전구체를 이용한 나노결정립 형상기억합금 또는비정질 합금을 포함하는 프로브 팁, 이를 포함하는프로브 카드 및 이의 형상 회복 방법, 2016-05 (출원)
음극 활물질 및 이의 제조 방법, 2016-05 (출원)
자가치유력을 갖는 복합 합금, 2016-03 (출원)
청색을 갖는 Al-Si-Mg계 합금, 2016-02 (출원)
금속 다공체를 사용한 금속 산화물 형성방법 및 이에 의해 형성된 기능성 재료, 2015-10 (등록)
전기화학소자용 구조체, 그의 제조방법, 및 이를 구비하는 전기화학소자, 2015-07 (등록)
내부와 다른 색상의 외부층을 구비하는 고강도 자성 합금 및 이의 제조방법, 2015-06 (출원)
기계적 특성이 향상된 Sn계 합금, 2014-12 (출원)
콜로니 경계 내에 비스무스 또는 납을 함유하는 티타늄-철 합금, 2014-09 (등록)
금속산화물을 포함하는 기능성 재료 및 이의 제조방법, 2014-08 (등록)
우수한 강도 및 연성을 갖는 하이엔트로피 합금, 2014-07 (출원)
비정질 금속 기지 복합 재료, 2014-06 (출원)
비정질 합금, 2014-06 (출원)
컬러 합금, 2014-05 (출원)
전기화학소자용 구조체, 그의 제조방법, 및 이를 구비하는 전기화학소자, 2014-03 (출원)
전극 및 이를 포함하는 광전기화학소자, 2013-06 (출원)
B를 함유하는 Fe-Nb공정합금, 2013-01 (출원)
금속산화물을 포함하는 기능성 재료 및 이의 제조방법, 2013-01 (출원)
콜로니 경계 내에 비스무스 또는 납을 함유하는 티타늄-철 합금, 2012-09 (출원)
금속 다공체를 사용한 금속 산화물 형성방법 및 이에 의해 형성된 기능성 재료, 2012-03 (출원)
CoCuFeNi 합금의 Si 첨가에 따른 기계적 물성 변화에 대한 연구, 2023 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2023-4
소성변형과 상분리 기반 Cu-Ni-Cr 컬러합금의 특성 변화 거동 연구, 2023 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2023-4
CoCuFeNi 기반 고엔트로피 합금의 기계적 특성에 대한 Al 및 V 원소의 영향, 2023 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2023-4
TiCrAlNiCu 고엔트로피 합금 질화막 설계 및 DC 마그네트론 스퍼터링 공정변수 제어에 따른 미세조직 및 기계적 물성 변화 분석, 2023 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2023-4
결정질/비정질 교차상 제어가 가능한 고엔트로피 AlCrFeNi 다층구조 코팅의 미세구조 및 기계적 특성에 대한 거동 연구, 2023 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2023-4
Cu-5Al-5Zn-1Sn 컬러 합금의 미세조직 제어 기반 전이 에너지 변화 거동 연구, 2023 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2023-4
Cu-Ge 컬러 합금의 상변태 기반 특성 제어 연구, 2023 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2023-4
고용체상 기반의 공정 구조를 갖는 Cu-Ag-Al 합금의 특성 제어 연구, 2023 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2023-4
Cu-5Al-5Zn-1Sn 합금의 결정립계 특성 제어 기반 컬러 합금의 특성 변화 거동 연구, 2022 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-10
(CoCuFeNi)92(AlxV8-x)8 하이엔트로피 합금의 개발 및 첨가원소 함량변화에 따른 기계적 특성 분석, 2022 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-10
Ge의 함량 및 공정 제어에 따른 Cu-Ge계 컬러 합금의 특성 연구, 2022 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-10
소성 변형 제어에 따른 컬러합금의 특성 변화 거동 연구, 2022 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-10
DC 마그네트론 스퍼터링을 통한 TiCrAlNiCu 고엔트로피 질화물 박막의 공정변수 제어에 따른 미세조직 및 기계적 물성 변화 분석, 2022 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-10
타겟 분말에 따른 AlCrFeNi 고엔트로피 다층 박막의 미세구조 및 기계적 특성에 대한 거동 연구 , 2022 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-10
고용체상 기반의 공정 구조를 갖는 Cu-Ag-Al 합금의 특성 제어 연구, 2022 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-10
(TiZrNiCu)97Ag3 벌크 비정질 고엔트로피 합금의 전기방전을 통한 비정질 조직 제어에 관한 연구, 2022 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-10
증착 온도 제어를 통한 Cu-Cr 박막의 상 형성에 따른 색도 및 기계적 특성 거동 분석, 2022 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-10
Cu-5Al-5Zn-1Sn 컬러 합금의 특성 제어 기술 개발 연구, 2022 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-10
Microstructural evolution and mechanical behavior of hypoeutectic Ti(CoFeNi) alloy by the addition of specific Cr minor element, 2022 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-4
Mechanical Behavior and Microstructural Evolution of (CrFeNiCu)100-xTix High Entropy Alloys with Increasing Ti Content, 2022 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-4
단상 컬러 합금의 미세조직 변형에 따른 특성 제어 연구, 2022 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-4
(TiZrNiCu)M 비정질 고엔트로피 합금의 전기방전에 의한 미세조직 및 물성변화에 대한 연구, 2022 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-4
마그네트론 스퍼터링을 통한 CuCr 박막의 조성, 타겟 방식에 따른 변화 분석, 2022 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-4
Influence of the addition of minor elements Al, Cr, Nb and V on the microstructure and mechanical behavior of Ti90(CoFeNi)10 alloy, 2022 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-4
Microstructural evolution of quaternary CrFeNiCu based high entropy alloys by the addition of specific Al and Ti minor elements, 2022 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-4
Magnetron sputtering 공정을 이용한 AlCoCrNi High-entropy 합금 코팅의 Crack 형성에 대한 분석, 2022 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-4
DC Magnetron Sputtering을 통한 TiCrAlNiCu 고엔트로피 코팅의 타겟, 기판온도 변화에 따른 미세조직, 기계적 물성 변화 분석, 2022 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-4
AlCrFeNi 고엔트로피 다층 박막의 미세구조, 기계적 특성에 대한 분석, 2022 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-4
고용체 상 기반 공정 구조를 갖는 컬러 합금 연구, 2022 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-4
AlCrFeNi 중엔트로피 합금 분말의 전기방전소결을 통한 물성 및 구조체 변화에 대한 연구, 2022 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-4
DC Magnetron sputtering을 이용한 CuCr film의 증착 시간에 따른 코팅막의 특성 분석, 2022 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2022-4
Magnetron sputtering 공정을 이용한 AlCoCrNi High-entropy 합금 코팅의 미세구조, 결정구조, 기계적 물성 분석, 2021 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-11
Impact of Heat Treatment on microsturcture and Mechanical characteristics of hypoeutectic Ti(CoFeNi) Alloy, 2021 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-11
Influence of Ti on the microstructure and mechanical characteristics of (CrFeNiCu)100-xTix high entropy alloys, 2021 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-11
청색 병치 혼합형 컬러 합금 구현 연구 : 상용 합금을 이용한 합금 개발, 2021 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-11
(TiZrNiCu)100-xSnx 고엔트로피 합금의 Sn 함량에 따른 미세조직 변화와 기계적 물성에 대한 연구, 2021 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-11
DC 마그네트론 스퍼티링을 통한 CuCr 박막 표면 형상 거동 연구, 2021 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-11
Magnetron sputtering 공정을 이용한 TiZrHfNiCuFe High-entropy 합금 코팅의 미세구조, 결정구조, 기계적 물성 분석, 2021 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-11
고연성 CoCuFeNi 합금의 Al 및 Si 첨가에 따른 상 및 미세구조 변화, 기계적 물성 변화에 대한 연구, 2021 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-11
마그네트론 스퍼터링으로 증착한 AlCrFeNi 하이엔트로피 박막의 기판오도 조절에 따른 변화분석, 2021 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-11
마그네트론 스퍼터링 공정을 활용한 AlCrFeNi 하이엔트로피 박막의 타 겟 제조 방법 변화에 따른 영향 분석, 2021 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-4
CoCuFeNi 중엔트로피 합금의 Zr 첨가에 따른 상 및 미세구조, 변형 거 동 분석, 2021 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-4
상용합금을 이용한 청색 Al-Mg-Si 병치 혼합형 컬러 합금 구현 연구, 2021 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-4
Influence of Ti on the microstructure and mechanical characteristics of (CrFeNiCu)100-xTix high entropy alloys, 2021 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-4
Investigation of eutectic structure in Ti(CoFeNi) alloys and it’s mechanical characteristics, 2021 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-4
구리의 고용도를 이용한 색 변화 연구, 2021 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-4
ADC12와 AZ91을 이용한 병치 혼합형 청색 Al-Mg-Si 합금 구현 연구, 2021 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-4
공정 조건 제어에 따른 CuCr 박막 특성 거동 연구, 2021 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-4
3D 프린팅 기술로 제조된 AlCrFeNi 중엔트로피 합금의 상 및 미세조 직, 기계적 물성 분석, 2021 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-4
미세조직 변화에 따른 AlCoCrNiMn 고엔트로피 합금의 이중항복과 변 형거동의 분석, 2021 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-4
Reactive magnetron sputtering 공정을 이용한 High-entropy 합금 질 화물 코팅의 미세구조, 결정구조, 기계적 물성 분석
Microstructural evolution of quaternary AlCrFeNi based high entropy alloys by the addition of specific minor elements and its effect on mechanical characteristics, 2021 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-4
Effect of Al on the microstructure and mechanical characteristics of (CrFeNiCu)100-xAlx high entropy alloys, 2021 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-4
마그네트론 스퍼터링을 활용한 MoNbTaVW 하이엔트로피 코팅의 물성 및 공정조건 최적화, 2021 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2021-4
Heat treatment and the subsequent aging process effects on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the Ti-4.5Al-1.5Fe1.5Mn-0.18O alloy, 2020 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2020-10
열-물리적 인자를 통한 삼원 공정 고엔트로피 합금의 미세 조직 및 기계적 특성 연구, 2020 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2020-10
상용합금 ADC12와 AZ91을 이용한 청색 유색합금 구현 연구, 2020 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2020-10
구리 합금의 첨가원소를 이용한 고용도 제어 색상 구현 연구, 2020 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2020-10
AlCoCrNiMn 고엔트로피 합금의 미세조직 변화에 따른 기계적 특성 분석, 2020 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2020-10
Magnetron Sputtering 공정을 이용한 Ti-Zr-Hf-Ni-Cu-Co Highentropy 합금 코팅의 인가 저력과 가스 유량 변수에 따른 기계적 물성 변화, 2020 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2020-10
마그네트론 스퍼터링을 활용한 AlCrFeNi 하이엔트로피 코팅의 물성 및공정조건 최적화, 2020 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2020-10
고엔트로피 합금읠 원자반지름 차이에 따른 상 및 기계적물성 분석, 2020 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2020-10
삼원 공정 고엔트로피 합금의 열-물리적 인자를 통한 미세조직 및 기계 적 특성 연구, 2020 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2020-10
상용합금을 이용한 금속간화합물의 합금설계를 통한 청색 컬러 합금 개발, 2020 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2020-10
Effect of In and Sn on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Titanium and Iron Based Ultrafine-Eutectic Alloy, 2020 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2020-10
Effect of Microstructural Evolution on Mechanical Properties of (CrFeNiCu)x+Ti100-x High Entropy Alloys, 2020 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2020-10
Impact of Co and Fe Substitutions on Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Characteristics of Quaternary Equiatomic High-Entropy Alloys, 2020 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2020-10
합금설계 기법을 이용한 금속간 화합물 기반 자체색상 알루미늄 컬러 합금 구현 연구, 2020 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2020-10
금속 합금화를 통한 새로운 색 구현 방법, 2019 한국색채학회((사)한국색채학회), 2019-12
Non-equiatomic AlCrFeNi 하이엔트로피 합금 개발 및 냉각속도에 따른 기계적 특성 분석, 학술대회((사)한국재료학회), 2019-10
Mg2Si 금속간 화합물의 부피 분율을 조절을 이용한 Al-Mg-Si 청색 합금 연구, 학술대회((사)한국재료학회), 2019-10
금속의 고용 및 상 석출 제어를 이용한 자체 색상 컬러 합금 개발 연구, 2019 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-10
물분해 광전극용 Ti 합금 설계 기반 산화물 나노 구조체 제어 기술 개발, 2019 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-10
Magnetron Sputtering 공정을 이용한 High-entropy 합금 코팅의 미세조직 및 기계적 물성 최적화, 2019 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-10
삼원 공정 고엔트로피 합금 설계 및 미세조직에 따른 기계적 특성 분석, 2019 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-10
자체 색상제어 Al-Mg-Si 블루 컬러 합금 개발, 2019 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-10
Effects of Gas Flow Ratio and Working Pressure on Amorphous Mo-Si-N Coating by Magnetron Sputtering, 2019 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-10
Cooling Rate Effect on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AlCrFeNi High Entropy Alloys, 2019 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-10
Influence of Heat Treatment on the Micro Structure and Mechanical Properties of the Ti-4.5Al-1.5Fe-1.5Mn-0.18O Alloy, 2019 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-10
Chemical Evolution Influenced on Strength of Quaternary dual-phase High-Entropy Alloy, 2019 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-10
합금화를 통한 자체 색상 구현 컬러 합금 개발 연구, 2019 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-10
Phase Stability and Its Relationship with Mechanical Properties on Near/Metastable β-type Ti-Cr-(Mn) Cast Alloys, 2019 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-10
Optimization of microstructure and mechanical properties of MoSiN coatings by reactive magnetron sputtering process condition control, MS&T 2019(MS&T19), 2019-10
Investigation of influence of B2/L21 Hierarchical Precipitate Structure on Creep Resistance of a Fe-Ni-Al-Cr-Ti Superalloy via Thermal Treatments, EUROMAT2019(FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN MATERIALS SOCIETIES), 2019- 9
Encapsulation of a Gradient Metal Oxide Layer on Porous Al-Cu-Si Alloy via Two-step Hybrid Processes, EUROMAT2019(FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN MATERIALS SOCIETIES), 2019- 9
Viscous flow and thermoplastic deformation behaviors of metallic supercooled liquids containing solid particles, EUROMAT2019(FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN MATERIALS SOCIETIES), 2019- 9
Evaluation in microstructure and mechanical properties of AlCrFeNi High-entropy alloy coatings fabricated by magnetron sputtering system, EUROMAT2019(FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN MATERIALS SOCIETIES), 2019- 9
Study of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ni-rich (AINi2)70-xCo30Crx Alloys, EUROMAT2019(FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN MATERIALS SOCIETIES), 2019- 9
Study of Al-Mg-Si blue color alloy by controlling volume fraction of Mg2Si intermetallic compound, EUROMAT2019(FEDERATION OF EUROPEAN MATERIALS SOCIETIES), 2019- 9
Ni-rich (AlNi2)70-xCo30Crx 합금 개발과 미세조직 및 기계적 특성 분석, 학술대회((사)한국재료학회), 2019-05
Ti-Cr-Mn 합금에서 Cr과 Mn 첨가와 함량에 따른 미세조직 관찰 및 기계적 물성 변화, 학술대회((사)한국재료학회), 2019-05
혼합열 계산을 통한 공정 하이엔트로피 합금 설계 및 미세조직에 따른 기계적 특성 분석, 학술대회((사)한국재료학회), 2019-05
금속간 화합물을 이용한 금속 색상구현에 관한 연구, 학술대회((사)한국색채학회), 2019-5
혼합열 계산을 통한 공정 하이엔트로피 합금 설계 및 합금의 기계적 특성 분석, 2019 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-4
전략적 원소 선택으로 설계된 Ti계의 기능성 산화물 특성 평가, 2019 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-4
- Al-Mg-Si 블루 컬러 합금의 미소원소 첨가에 따른 기계적 물성 및 색도 변화 연구
Study of Cooling Rate and Mechanical Properties of Ni-Rich AlCoCrNi High Entropy Alloys, 2019 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-4
반응성 마그네트론 스퍼터링 공정변수 제어를 통한 MoSiN 코팅의 미세조직 및 기계적 물성 최적화, 2019 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-4
(Mo100-XSiX)N 코팅층의 조성 및 질화에 따른 기계적 특성 및 미세조직 평가, 2019 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-4
AlCoCrNi 하이엔트로피 합금의 미세조직에서 기인한 Ni-rich (AlNi2)70-xCo30Crx 합금 개발 및 기계적 특성 분석, 2019 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-4
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Light Weight Quaternary High-Entropy Alloy, 2019 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-4
- 자체 색상을 지니는 금속간 화합물의 석출/정출 제어를 활용한 Al-계 컬러 합금 설계 기술 개발, 2019 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2019-4
Microstructural Evolution and mechanical properties of quaternary AlCrFeNi High Entropy Alloy, TMS2019 148th annual meeting & exhibition(TMS2019 148th annual meeting & exhibition), 2019-3
Influence of spherical particles and interfacial stress distribution on viscous flow behavior of Ti-Cu-Ni-Zr-Sn bulk metallic glass composites, 2019년도 한국재료조직학회((사)한국재료조직학회), 2019-1
반응성 물리증착법을 이용한 MoSiN코팅의 미세조직 및 기계적특성 평가, 2019년도 한국재료조직학회((사)한국재료조직학회), 2019-1
Study of microstructure and mechanical properties of AlCoCrNi high entropy alloys, 2019년도 한국재료조직학회((사)한국재료조직학회), 2019-1
Mg2Si 금속간 화합물을 이용한 Al-Mg-Si 합금의 색도 및 물성 변화 연구, 2019년도 한국재료조직학회((사)한국재료조직학회), 2019-1
Microstructural Evolution of AlCoCrNi and AlCrFeNi High-Entropy Alloys, The 2nd International Conference on High-Entropy Materials(The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials), 2018-12
Influence of nitride addition on phase transition and mechanical properties of TiZrHfNiCuCo multicomponent film, The 2nd International Conference on High-Entropy Materials(The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials), 2018-12
Study of mechanical properties and deformation behavior of AlCoCrNi high entropy alloys, The 2nd International Conference on High-Entropy Materials(The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials), 2018-12
Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Quaternary AlCoCrNi High Entropy Alloy, The 2nd International Conference on High-Entropy Materials(The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials), 2018-12
물리증착법을 이용한 AlCoCrNi 하이엔트로피 합금 코팅의 미세조직 및 기계적특성 평가, 2018 한국분말야금학회 정기총회 및 추계학술 강연 (한국분말야금학회), 2018-11
Chemical Evolution-Induced Strengthening on AlCoCrNi Dual-Phase High-Entropy Alloy with High Specific Strength, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2018-10
Ti-Cr-Mn합금의 첨가원소 및 열처리 조건에 의한 미세조직과 기계적 물성 관찰, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2018-10
반응성 마그네트론 스퍼터링 공정을 이용한 MoSi합금 코팅의 미세조직 및 기계적 특성 평가, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회 ((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2018-10
Investigation on Mechanical, Deformation and Fracture Behaviors of Bulk Metallic Glass Composites Reinforced by Spherical B2 Particles, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회 ((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2018-10
Al-Mg-Si 블루 컬러합금의 금속간 화합물 분율 및 분포도에 따른 색도 및 물성 변화 연구, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회 ((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2018-10
Formation of High Entropy Film For Cutting Tool By Magnetron Sputtering, AVS 65th International Symposium & Exhibition(American Vacuum Society), 2018-10
Effect of The Addition of N2 on The Structural and Mechanical Properties of TiZrHfNiCuCo High Entropy Alloy Films, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2018-10
Cu100-x(AlNi)x 합금에서 청색 AlNi 석출 제어에 따른 기계적 물성 및 색 변화 상관성 고찰, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2018-10
Development of New Color Materialization in Metallic Materials Based on the Controlling Transition Energy, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2018-10
AlCoCrNi 하이엔트로피 합금의 Nano Separation에서 유래된 Cr-Co Based 합금 개발 및 기계적 특성 분석, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회 ((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2018-10
Investigation of the effect of hot rolling process on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu-Mn alloys, 25th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON METASTABLE, AMORPHOUS AND NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS(ISMANAM 2018), 2018-07
Effect of Nb on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-based ultrafine eutectic composites, 25th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON METASTABLE, AMORPHOUS AND NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS(ISMANAM 2018), 2018-07
Study of colour and mechanical property by transition of Mg2Si to Si phase distribution and ratio of Al-based blue colour alloy, 25th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON METASTABLE, AMORPHOUS AND NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS(ISMANAM 2018), 2018-07
Investigation on the relationship of the microstructure and mechanical properties by Mn addition in the Ti-Cr-Mn alloys, 25th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON METASTABLE, AMORPHOUS AND NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS(ISMANAM 2018), 2018-07
Viscous flow and deformation behaviors on supercooled liquid region of Ti-based bulk metallic glass composites containing spherical B2 particles, 25th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON METASTABLE, AMORPHOUS AND NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS(ISMANAM 2018), 2018-07
Understanding correlation between mechanical property and color change of Cu100-x(AlNi)x alloys , 25th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON METASTABLE, AMORPHOUS AND NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS(ISMANAM 2018), 2018-07
Surface functionalization on porous Al88Cu6Si6 alloy via two-step hybrid processes, 25th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON METASTABLE, AMORPHOUS AND NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS(ISMANAM 2018), 2018-07
The microevolution of mechanical properties and microstructure in Fe-based high strength alloys with addition of immiscible elements, 25th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON METASTABLE, AMORPHOUS AND NANOSTRUCTURED MATERIALS(ISMANAM 2018), 2018-07
Development of High Entropy Alloy Film using Magnetron Sputtering, 2018년도 한국표면공학회 춘계학술대회 국제표면처리 워크샵 및 특별 강습회(한국표면공학회), 2018-06
Development of Gd-Co-based amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys used as magnetic refrigeration materials, The 5th International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetcis Societies(한국자기학회 등), 2018-06
AlCr계 절삭공구 코팅의 미세조직 및 우수한 기계적 물성 분석, 2018년도 한국표면공학회 춘계학술대회 국제표면처리 워크샵 및 특별 강습회(한국표면공학회), 2018-06
유사원소치환법을 이용한 하이엔트로피 합금 개발 및 특성 평가, 2018년도 한국재료학회 춘계학술대회(한국재료학회), 2018-05
Al-계 컬러 합금의 청색 금속간 화합물 분포 및 분율에 따륜 색도 및 물성 변화 연구, 2018년도 한국재료학회 춘계학술대회(한국재료학회), 2018-05
Ti-Cr-Mn 합금에서 Mn 첨가량에 따른 미세조직과 기계적 물성의 변화 및 상관관계, 2018년도 한국재료학회 춘계학술대회(한국재료학회), 2018-05
Development of functionalized metallic glasses, The 12th International Conference on Bulk Metallic Glasses(Seoul National University), 2018-05
Study of molecular dynamics analysis of atomic-level structure properties with thermal effects of metallic glasses, The 12th International Conference on Bulk Metallic Glasses(Seoul National University), 2018-05
Designing of excellent mechanical properties and paramagnetic of Ferro-based high entropy metallic glasses, The 12th International Conference on Bulk Metallic Glasses(Seoul National University), 2018-05
Formation of nano-oxides on porous metallic glass compacts using hydrothermal synthesis, The 12th International Conference on Bulk Metallic Glasses(Seoul National University), 2018-05
Viscous flow and thermoplastic deformation behavior of Ti-based bulk metallic glass composites, The 12th International Conference on Bulk Metallic Glasses(Seoul National University), 2018-05
Evaluation on crystallization behavior and phase transformation of TiCu-based BMG , The 12th International Conference on Bulk Metallic Glasses(Seoul National University), 2018-05
Effect of anneling on microstructure and mechanical properties of equatomic AlCoCrNi high-entropy alloy, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 춘계학술대회(대한금속재료학회), 2018-04
Brilliant 컬러 합금 개발, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 춘계학술대회(대한금속재료학회), 2018-04
물리증착법(PVD)으로 Ti-계 비정질 합금과 Al-계 합금의 다층구조형성을 통한 기계적 물성 최적화, 2018한국분말야금학회 춘계학술강연 및 발표대회((사)한국분말야금학회), 2018-04
청색 AlNi 석출 제어를 통한 Cu100-x(AlNi)x 합금의 기계적 물성과 색 변화 연관성 연구, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 춘계학술대회(대한금속재료학회), 2018-04
Influence of spherical particles and interfacial stress distribution on viscous flow behavior of Ti-Cu-Ni-Zr-Sn bulk metallic glass composites, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 춘계학술대회(대한금속재료학회), 2018-04
Al-계 블루 컬러 합금의 Mg2Si상 분율 및 분포도에 따른 색도 및 물성 변화 연구, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 춘계학술대회(대한금속재료학회), 2018-04
Mn 함량에 따른 Cu-Mn 합금의 열간압연 미세조직 및 기계적 특성 연구, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 춘계학술대회(대한금속재료학회), 2018-04
첨가 원소 및 열처리에 의한 Ti-Cr-X합금의 미세조직 및 기계적 물성 거동, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 춘계학술대회(대한금속재료학회), 2018-04
Nano-Scale Micro-structural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Quaternary AlCoCrNi High Entropy Alloy, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 춘계학술대회(대한금속재료학회), 2018-04
AlCoCrNi 합금의 개발 및 미세조직 변화에 따른 기계적 특성 분석, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 춘계학술대회(대한금속재료학회), 2018-04
D.C. 마그네트론 스퍼티링 공정을 이용한 하이엔트로피합금 코팅소재의 미세조직 및 기계적 특성평가, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 춘계학술대회(대한금속재료학회), 2018-04
AlCrN based Hard Coating의 미세구조 및 기계적 특성 분석, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 춘계학술대회(대한금속재료학회), 2018-04
수열합성 공정을 통한 Al88Cu6Si6 공정 합금의 표면 특성 부여, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 춘계학술대회(대한금속재료학회), 2018-04
Enhancement of mechanical properties in Fe based high strength alloys by addition of minor alloying elements, 2018년도 대한금속재료학회 춘계학술대회(대한금속재료학회), 2018-04
Development of High Entropy Alloy Coating Layer Using DC Magnetron Sputtering, TMS 2018 147th annual meeting & exhibition(TMS ), 2018-03
Effects of Additional Elements on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High Entropy Alloys Based on TiZrHfNiCu System, TMS 2018 147th annual meeting & exhibition(TMS ), 2018-03
Hard coating 소재적용을 위한 하이엔트로피 합금개발, 2017 한국재료학회 추계학술대회((사)한국재료학회), 2017-11
Effects of Elemental Interaction on Microstucture and Mechanical Property of Multicomponent TiZrHiNiCuM(M=Co,Fe) High Entropy Alloy System, Materials Science&Technology 2017(ACS 등), 2017-10
Characteristic on Nanostructured Multicomponent Coating Layer Using Direct Current Sputtering, Materials Science & Technology 2017(ACS 등), 2017-10
Influence of spherical particles and interfacial stress distribution on viscous flow behavior of Ti-Cu-Ni-Zr-Sn bulk metallic glass composites, 2017 추계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-10
Cu100-x(AlNi)x 합금의 기계적 물성과 색 변화 연관성 연구, 2017 추계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-10
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AlCoCrNi High Entropy Alloy, Materials Science & Technology 2017(ACS 등), 2017-10
Nano-scale Microstructural Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Equiatomic AlCoCrNi High-Entropy Alloy, 2017 추계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-10
제 3원소 첨가에 따른 Cu-Mn계 합금의 미세조직 및 기계적 특성 연구, 2017 추계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-10
Study of Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Atomic-level Structure Properties with Voronoi Diagram in Metallic Glasses, 2017 추계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-10
자기냉매 개발을 위한 Gd-Co-계 비정질 합금 설계와 나노결정화에 따른 자기열량효과 비교, 2017 추계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-10
Ti-Cr-X 합금에서 첨가원소 X에 따른 변형기구 및 기계적 물성의 거동, 2017 추계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-10
미량원소 첨가에 따른 Ti65Fe35 과공정 합금의 미세구조와 기계적 특성의 변화, 2017 추계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-10
Influence of the atomic ratio between Zr and Ti content on the Ni-Cu-Zr-Ti-Si-Sn bulk metallic glasses, 2017 추계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-10
Ti-계 비정질 합금이 물리증착법으로 형성한 Al-계 하드코팅의 미세조직에 미치는 영향, 2017 추계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-10
미소 원소 첨가에 따른 구리 합금의 전자 구조 변화 및 색 변화 상관성 고찰, 2017 추계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-10
Surface functionalization on porous metallic glass compacts via hydrothermal synthesis, The 11th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering(한국진공학회), 2017-09
Evaluation on of microstructure and mechanical properties multicomponent film by DC magnetron sputtering, The 11th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering(한국진공학회 등), 2017-09
Optimization of Ti-based coating layer with various deposition time by Physical Vapor Deposition time by Physical Vapor Deposition, The 11th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering(한국진공학회), 2017-09
Gradual martensitic transformation of B2 particle on TiCu-based bulk metallic glass omposite during initial deformation stage, 한국재료조직학회((사)한국재료조직학회), 2017-08
Effect of additional element on microstructure and mechanical properties of high entropy alloys based on AlCrTiMo , 한국재료조직학회((사)한국재료조직학회), 2017-08
TiZrHfNiCuM high-entropy alloy system, 한국재료조직학회((사)한국재료조직학회), 2017-08
Effect of additional element on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-based ultrafine eutectic alloy, The 16th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials(Montan Universitat), 2017-08
Investigation of (Ti65Fe35)100-x(Bi53In47)x hypereutectic alloys with β-Ti dendrite, The 16th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials(Montan Universitat), 2017-08
Martensitic transformation behavior related with work-hardening on initial deformation stage of Ti-based bulk metallic glass composite, The 16th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials(Montan Universitat), 2017-08
Effects of minor elements on transition energy and color change of Cu-M alloys, The 16th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials(Montan Universitat), 2017-08
Optimization of Ti-based coating layer as various deposition time with PVD method, The 16th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials(Montan Universitat), 2017-08
Study on the microstructure and mechanical properties of equi-atomic substituted high-entropy alloys, The 16th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials(Montan Universitat), 2017-08
Investigation on Gd-based metallic glass alloys for magnetic refrigerant development, The 16th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials(Montan Universitat), 2017-08
Investigation on Gd-based metallic glass alloys for magnetic refrigerant development, 2017 춘계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-04
Mn, V 첨가에 따른 AlCoCrNi 합금의 미세조직 및 기계적 특성 평가, 2017 한국분말야금학회 춘계학술대회(㈜한국분말야금학회), 2017-04
Investigation correlation between transition energy and color difference of Cu-X color metal alloy, 2017 춘계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-04
Study on microstructure and mechanical properties of nanostructured nitride coating layer by reactive DC sputtering, 2017 춘계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-04
Optimization of coating layer with various layer combination by Physical Vapor Deposition, 2017 춘계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-04
Microstructure and mechanical properties of AlCoCrNi High entropy alloy, 2017 춘계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-04
Enhancement of mechanical properties of Cu – Mn – X shunt alloys by second phase dispersion strengthening with positive heat of mixing, 2017 춘계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-04
Investigation color difference of Cu-x alloys with the various composition, 2017 춘계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-04
Crystallization and phase transformation behavior of TiCu-based bulk metallic glass composite with B2 particles, 2017 춘계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-04
Surface functionalization on porous metallic glass compacts via hydrothermal synthesis, 2017 한국분말야금학회 춘계학술대회(㈜한국분말야금학회), 2017-04
Optimization the mechanical properties of Ti-based alloy coating layer as deposition time by PVD, 2017 한국분말야금학회 춘계학술대회(㈜한국분말야금학회), 2017-04
Fabrication and characterization of novel Al/Al clad composite with high strength and aesthetic exterior design, 2017 춘계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-04
밴드-간 에너지 변화에 따른 Cu-X 유색 합금의 색 변화 상관성 분석, 2017 춘계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-04
The effects of elemental interaction on microstructure and mechanical behavior of multicomponent TiZrHfNiCuX high entropy alloy system, 2017 춘계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-04
Investigation of the evolution on microstructures and mechanical properties of Al-based Eutectic Alloy by liquid separation, 2017 춘계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-04
Influence of minor elements on microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-Cr-X alloys, 2017 춘계대한금속재료학회((사)대한금속·재료학회), 2017-04
Influence of Vanadium on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High Entropy Alloy Based on AlCrMoTi System, International Conference on High-Entropy Materials 2016(TMS 등), 2016-11
Effects of Mn and V on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AlCoCrNi High Entropy Alloy, International Conference on High-Entropy Materials 2016(TMS 등), 2016-11
Phase Evolution, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High Entropy Alloys Developed by Equiatomic Substitution, International Conference on High-Entropy Materials 2016(TMS 등), 2016-11
선택적 첨가원소에 따른 하이엔트로피 합금의 기계적 특성 및 미세조직 변화 연구, 2016년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회((사)대한금속재료학회), 2016-10
Microstructure and Properties of TiN Coating Layer on Tool Materials, Materials Science & Technology 2016(ACS, TMS등), 2016-10
Investigation of (Ti65Fe35)100-x(Bi53In47)x hypereutectic alloys with β-Ti dendrite, 2016년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회((사)대한금속재료학회), 2016-10
Optimization of Ti-based Alloy Coating Layer by Deposition Time Using Physical Vapor Deposition, 2016년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회((사)대한금속재료학회), 2016-10
Effects of Additional Elements on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High Entropy Alloys Developed by Equiatomic Substitution, 2016년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회((사)대한금속재료학회), 2016-10
Effects of Mn and V on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of High Entropy Alloys Based on AlCoCrNi System, 2016년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회((사)대한금속재료학회), 2016-10
반응성 물리증착 공정을 이용한 고강도 코팅소재 개발 연구, 2016년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회((사)대한금속재료학회), 2016-10
Investigation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Cu-xFe Alloys with the Different Cooling Rate, 2016년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회((사)대한금속재료학회), 2016-10
Gd계 비정질 합금의 형성능에 미소첨가 원소가 미치는 영향, 2016년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회((사)대한금속재료학회), 2016-10
구리계 유색금속의 주석/아연 첨가에 따른 미세조직 변화와 색 변화 연관성 연구, 2016년도 대한금속재료학회 추계학술대회((사)대한금속재료학회), 2016-10
Effect of Aluminium on microstructure and mechanical properties of ultralight Mg-(5,8,15)Li alloys, ISMANAM 2016(Tohoku University 등), 2016-07
Investigation of microstructure and mechanical properties of Copper-Ferro alloys with minor elements, ISMANAM 2016(ISMANAM), 2016-07
Plastic Deformation Behavior of Fe-Co-B-Si-Nb-Cr Bulk Metallic Glasses Under Nanoindentaion, 11th International Conference on Bulk Metallic Glasses(Washington University), 2016-06
Gradual Martensitic Transformation of B2 phase on TiCu-based Bulk Metallic Glass Composite during Deformation, 11th International Conference on Bulk Metallic Glasses(Washington University), 2016-06
Martensitic transformation process of spherical B2 particle on early deformation stage of TiCu-based bulk metallic glass composite, 2016년도 한국재료학회 춘계학술대회(한국재료학회), 2016-05
Development of Co-based metallic glasses with Superior Mechanical properties usinghigh-entropy alloy concept, 2016년도 한국재료학회 춘계학술대회(한국재료학회), 2016-05
Crystallization Kinetics and Thermo-mechanical Behavior on Supercooled Liquid Region of Ti-Cu-Ni-Zr-Sn-Si Bulk Metallic Glass, 2016년도 한국재료학회 춘계학술대회(한국재료학회), 2016-05
Effect of Nb on Microstructure & Mechanical properties of Ti-based eutectic alloy, 2016년도 한국재료학회 춘계학술대회(한국재료학회), 2016-05
Interpretation of macroscopic mechanical properties in Fe-Nb-B composite alloys utilizing systematic nano-scale analysis, 2016년도 한국재료학회 춘계학술대회(한국재료학회), 2016-05
Crystallization behavior of Ti45Cu40Ni7.5Zr4Sn2.5Si1 bulk metallic glass composite, 2016년도 한국재료학회 춘계학술대회(한국재료학회), 2016-05
첨가원소에 따른 Mg-(5-15)Li 초경량 합금의 미세구조 및 기계적 특성, 2016년도 대한금속재료학회 춘계학술대회((사)대한금속재료학회), 2016-04
Effect of the Atomic Ratio Between Zr and Ti Content on the Ni-Cu-Zr-Ti-Si-Sn Bulk Metallic Glasses, 2016년도 대한금속재료학회 춘계학술